3. Designer… Everything
Gone are the days when most of the things you could buy in a store were high quality and they could last you a long time if you took care of them. In this age of fast fashion and brands that appear overnight, it becomes hard to discern between what clothes and accessories are quality and what are just a fad. Not to mention that if something is not made by one of the big fashion brands it becomes somehow unimportant.
Sure, there are some brands or accessories that make quality stuff and you can still buy some items that will virtually last you a lifetime, so they are somehow justified in their price (some high quality handbags come into this category). But when we have arrived at the point where plain old sweatpants of suspicious quality cost over $100 just because there is a huge logo on them, it becomes a problem. Most of the time there is no quality difference from normal sweatpants, but people are willing to overpay just for the status that comes along with having designer clothes, accessories, or items.
What is worse is that people start not being able to discern past this stereotype and kids become obsessed with having expensive items just because so and so have them.
2. “Gender reveal parties.”
What happened to baby showers? They used to be harmless parties, where, yes, people found out the gender of the baby, but they were more than that. Friends and family would gather to wish the mother and baby good health and happiness and bring over gifts that would help the new parents on their new journey. Nowadays, people throw a gender reveal party and blow up forests, which can lead to devastating disasters.
We have no idea what happened to the nice, non-stressful parties that would be a cozy celebration, that people feel the need to have these grand, useless gestures just to announce the gender of their offspring. Truly, it seems like certain things are done completely backward in today’s society…
1. Being Praised for Doing the Bare Minimum
Back in our days, it was expected that there would be a minimum of politeness extended to strangers until they proved they didn’t deserve it, and it definitely extended to women. Seeing girls be catcalled still happened, but it was minimal and no one was taught to do it. But nowadays it seems like people are expected to be praised because they did not harass women or others on the street: what do they expect? a prize? That’s a standard of human decency.
Moreover, it seems like people who do basic minimum tasks are expecting to be congratulated, instead of seeing it as part of being nice, polite, or just how they were raised. You will be thanked if you helped an old lady with her bags, but you shouldn’t expect to be praised for it, especially if you are helping family or friends.