#7 Are malaria drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine, a cure for coronavirus?
Many people think that malaria drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine, could be a cure for coronavirus. These drugs have had some anecdotal benefits in some people, but as Fauci pointed out in his interview with CNN, these are not proven clinical studies.
“There is no definitive evidence that this works,” Fauci said. “If you want to get back to the science and you look at the data, you need a controlled trial to be able to definitively say something works. And we have not had that with those drugs.”
In his interview with Noah, Fauci added, “There are a number of clinical trials that are trying to—by randomized control trials—get a definitive answer as to what works and what does [not] … There are drugs that are already approved for other things, like hydroxychloroquine for malaria and for certain autoimmune diseases, that there have been anecdotal stories. By ‘anecdotal,’ I mean people kind of think they work, but they haven’t really proven they work. That’s really gotten out there on the internet. So, people are very enthusiastic since generally, these drugs appear to be safe, and they are, but they do have some toxicities.”
Fauci also said that “there is no proven, safe, and effective direct therapy for coronavirus disease.”
1 thought on “8 FAQs About Coronavirus Answered By a Medical Expert”
I have a question for Dr Fauci. Some young people in my family who have never had children, but plan to, are afraid that the vaccine will change their Dna in a way that will affect their ofspring or future generations. Can you tell me why they are wrong? Why that will not happen.