3. Dictionaries
You would think that in classrooms dictionaries would aid the learning process. If anything it is good when our children can easily find the definition of a word they do not know, it enriches their vocabulary and it can help them in class. Unfortunately, in South Carolina, this cannot happen.
Due to a way too curious child, who searched the definition of ‘oral sex’, a parent made a complaint with the school in 2010. Apparently, that’s all it takes for dictionaries to be banned in classrooms all across the state. Seems a bit too drastic if you ask us.
2. Masks
With Halloween knocking on the door if you live in Walnut City, California, you have to make sure your costume does not involve a mask or other disguise. The sheriff will be after you if you do so unless maybe you can clear it up with him beforehand. Who knows what happened that the city has banned all types of masks and disguises, but for such a popular day it is quite unusual to say no to people having fun.
1. No arrests on Sunday or 4th of July
If you happen to be hurrying somewhere in Ohio on a Sunday, rest assured you will not be arrested. The state’s law banned arrests from happening on Sundays or on the 4th of July. Be it a religious reason, or due to the celebration, we do not know but the ban is still in effect.
No worries, we doubt that if anything serious was to happen the culprit would be apprehended by the police, but who knows? Maybe a little misdemeanor because of how happy you are on Independence Day can get a pass with the local law enforcement.