1. They destroyed some of the placards
During a rally that took place in Massachusetts, two men that were part of the group of people who supported Trump saw a sign that read “America’s Already Great” (as we all know, Trump’s political slogan was “Make America great again”).
We can say that these two fans didn’t like the message they read, so they decided to show off their disagreement, and they ripped all of the placards.
In addition to that, they accused the protestors that didn’t want Trump as president of being “un-American”.
2. They said that Muslims were a “national problem”
When Trump was at one of his rallies, he decided to stop by and answer some of the questions that his supporters had for him. For instance, one of the men in public said that Muslims are one of the biggest issues that the country had to face.
In addition to that, he stated that former President Barack Obama was a Muslim terrorist and demanded to know how Trump could get rid of them. Instead of giving a polite and neutral answer, Trump neglected the question and moved on to another man.
In conformity with some of the biggest magazines in the country, during Trump’s presidency, these allegations against Muslims and President Obama actually increased the racial and ethnic divide in the country.
3. They thought white people were marginalized
Some of Donald Trump’s supporters who were part of the white working-class category stated that they have been marginalized during Barack Obama’s presidency.
They added the fact that their influence and power were drastically reduced in the last years. One of the reasons why they wanted to vote for Trump was the fact that these people believed that a white president can give them their potential and domination back.