9 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True

Photo by ktsdesign from Shutterstock

7. The U.S. Government was investigating UFOs.

The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was a government designed program, which actually received $22 million between 2008 and 2011. Researchers examined civilians and military personnel who claimed to have seen and interacted with strange aerial phenomena for signs of physiological changes.

The program also analyzed data from video and audio recordings of reported UFOs. The efforts and funding for this program were kept secret and, eventually the program was shut down eight years ago due to the lack of findings. Its funds were given to other efforts of higher importance.

It now exists in a sort of non governmental form as To The Stars Academy as the former head of the AATIP, Luis Elizondo joined forces with the former guitarist of the band Blink 182, Tom Delonge to continue to fund the study of UFO’s.

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