Making Flowers Last Longer or Just Chemicals?
Do you remember those little packets with preservatives that we get with the bouquets? A lot of us used to throw them away because we thought that the chemicals cannot possibly help the flowers, but in reality, we are just wasting them. They are given to you so you can make your flowers last longer with a tried and tested method, and believe us: they do a great job! Do not listen to those old superstitions of dropping a copper penny inside the vase and just stick to what the professionals give you.
Those little packets with liquid or powder really do work! Don’t believe us? Try them out! We are sure that after you will think about asking for an extra one to have around next time you are at a flower shop, just to have on hand!
More Light, Healthier Flowers?
Flowers do look amazing on your window sill and they do like direct light, but we do have some bad news. Direct sunlight will kill your flowers in a matter of days. If you’re lucky, you’ll get two days at best if we are completely honest. It does look pretty but you will have to choose what you value more: aesthetics or having your flowers around more. If you happened to have them in the window and they died quickly, it may just be the direct sunlight that did them in.
Yes, a discount… No?
It happens sometimes that you are looking for flowers on Friday and you find that some types are discounted, some quite heavily, and that they DO look amazing. So often we think to ourselves that we just got a really cool deal. In reality, we did get a deal, but it could happen that the flowers die right after you bring them home. Flower shops get their flowers on Monday and they generally keep the same day for restocks, so by Friday, they will try to get rid of the flowers that did not sell that well that week. It’s nothing bad, but you should keep that in mind if you want long lasting flowers.
While you are at it, make sure to check the bottom of your rose blossoms: it will show you how many petals were removed and the more there seem to be missing, the older the flower actually is.