8. Tanning

At first, tanning might not seem all that strange or dangerous, but people who suffer from this addiction have to be aware that tanning frequently can pose significant physical harm. Because it’s often seen as taking care of one’s appearance, a lot of folks minimize how serious a tanning addiction can become.
The reason why we’re told to wear sunscreen when we go out is to minimize the harmful effects of UV lights, right? Now imagine someone that willingly puts himself or herself at risk through tanning. Worse, addicts also tend to use tanning beds just as regularly if not more than tanning naturally.
Mind you, if you like to lounge on the beach and catch some sun for the entirety of your mini-vacation it does not mean you’re addicted. In order to qualify, a person must tan 8 to 10 times per month, at the very least.
Skin aging, skin disorders, and skin cancer are just three of the issues that may arise from this constant practice. But if a person doesn’t tan? They can become irritable, they may feel dizzy or even nauseated until they get their fix.