Use paint to revive certain home items
Over time, we have learned that paint is essential when we want to revive certain home objects that seem hopeless. Many interior designers suggest you opt for a coat of paint when you want to redecorate your house, because not only is it cheap and easy to use by anyone, but it also has a major impact on the style of the house, completely transforming it.
“Paint is the easiest way to spruce up a space. I painted my ugly plywood floors and it was the best thing I did for my apartment. It was time consuming but only cost a couple of hundred dollars and it changed the whole space. Another thing you can do is switch out the hardware on your cabinetry,” said online influencer, Grace Atwood.
“Paint can instantly transform a space. By painting interior doors, creating a bold accent wall, flipping a piece of furniture, or even painting the ceiling as a 5th wall you can completely alter your environment in the best way. Using paint to overhaul a space will have a huge impact — on your home’s design, not your bank balance,” said home expert, Elizabeth Rishel.