4. Dr. Ruth Westheimer Is A Great Trained Sniper
You might know Dr. Ruth Westheimer from her talk show, books, and all her advice regarding intimacy and relationships. Did you know that besides giving you great pieces of information about spicing up your bedroom life, she can also be a great sniper?
That’s right, because she used to be a Haganah sniper back in the Israeli army, during the early construction of the state. As it turns out, she was actually really good at it!
5. Katty Perry Likes To Collect Hair Pieces From Her Celeb Colleagues
We all know that besides Ke$ha, Katty Perry is also another eccentric singer. Apparently, she likes to collect different kinds of things, but out of them all, this one is the most bizarre.
The star likes to collect locks of hair from her celeb colleagues. She ties small and cute bows on them and tucks them away in her bag. We don’t know what you think, but it seems a little weird, like those voodoo talismans we used to see in movies.
6. Angelina Jolie Had Thought Of Becoming a Funeral Director
Even though she seems like a total glam diva, Angelina Jolie wasn’t always like that. When she was a bit younger, she imagined herself as being a funeral home director.
Apparently, this idea came to her mind after her grandfather passed away and she was very upset and overwhelmed by his funeral. In conformity with an interview with 60 Minutes, the actress stated that the way someone dies and how the family deals with this tragic moment should be addressed differently.
The diva added the fact that if her career as an actress didn’t work out, being the director of a funeral house would have been her path.
…If you want to read something that is even weirder, we recommend this article: 5 Halfwits Who Posted Their Crimes On Social Media!