2. Puffer Fish, Japan
Would you consider eating something that’s skin and insides contain the poisonous toxin tetrodotoxin, which is 1,250 times stronger than cyanide? Yea, me neither.
However, the deadly Pufferfish, or fugu, is the ultimate delicacy in Japan and only the most highly trained expert chefs in licensed restaurants are allowed to prepare it.
Twenty-three people have died in Japan after eating fugu since 2000, according to government figures. Most of the victims are anglers who rashly try to prepare their catch at home.
Although banned 5 years ago, in the past three years fifteen people have died in Thailand and 115 people were hospitalized. When the fish was declared illegal unscrupulous vendors started dying it pink and passing it off as salmon.
So try this deadly fish at your peril as you could end up paralyzed and eventually die from asphyxiation because there is no known antidote.