Lego Pieces
We don’t think about it much, but containers get lost at sea more often than you’d think. One such incident happened in 1997 when a Tokyo Express container ship lost 62 containers due to a storm. One of them happened to be carrying as many as 4.8 million LEGO pieces.
Well, it’s inevitable that some if not most of these pieces would find their ways on the shore. But nobody could have imagined that this ordeal would last more than 25 years, as pieces have been found along the Cornish coastline in the southwest of England even now, 24 years later.
Efforts are constantly made to keep the beaches clean, as an organization that works to reduce marine plastic pollution, the Cornish Plastic Pollution Coalition, is still hard at work collecting the long-lost LEGO pieces.
Giant Squid
Giant squids have always been a source of terror for many people, as are other deep-sea creatures that we don’t fully understand. So you can imagine the surprise we had when more than 1,500 giant squids washed ashore in early 2005.
Countless specimens were found in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, and Crystal Cove State Park in California.
Scientists speculated that severe climate shifts or changes to food sources may have caused this, but the event hasn’t been fully understood even to this day!