Warner Bros. Studio Store
Parents all over the world know what it’s like when you’re out shopping with your kids, and they suddenly catch a glimpse of the Disney store, begging to go inside to look at all the cute toys and outfits.
Well, the Warner Bros. Studio Store was pretty similar, only it obviously just sold Warner Bros. brands, which turned out to be quite fashionable during the last decade of the 20th century.
Sadly, when Warner Bros. ceased to exist, so did this place. They opened up in 1991 but quickly faded away into non-existence. Nowadays, your best bet to finding cool Bugs Bunny gear is on the internet, but the quality is often questionable.
This next store didn’t manage to turn the page…..
13 thoughts on “Huge 90s Stores That Are No Longer With Us”
Sometimes, the past is all we have and the closing of those stores brings me great sadness but great joy in my memory! We often talk about those places….. like Gayfers Department here in northwest Florida, clothing stores like Chess King, for the ladies, Foxmoors, 5, 7, 9 shop, Vicky V’s, Learner’s, Tom McCann shoes, Payless shoes, Ormond shops, Butler shoes, Kinney shoe stores, HH Gregg, The Gap store, Wicker Picker store….K-B Toys, J-Byrons, Maas Brothers. But dimes of Florida just naming my all time faves. Yes, I have a sense of sadness and remorse! I didn’t want these places to leave, but oh well…… long gone 😞😢😞😢
Its ashame. I have bought my washers and dryers, stoves, etc there forever.
My wife and I had three children born in the 70’s and early 80’s, we spent a lot of time and money in Toy’s are Us. Fun place, good merchandise.
Looks like SEARS & PENNY’s are gone also!?
I remember many others: Goldblatt’s, Wieboldts, Service Merchandise, Ben Franklin, Carson, Pirie, Montgomery Ward, and many others. Sad nostalgia!
Circuit city went downhill after they quit giving commissions to the salesman they just paid straight pay. Circuit city lost their best salesman and they brought in kids they had no clue what the hell they were talking about
Exactly. The older salespeople knew the merchandise up and down and backwards. If an older customer – my parents, for instance – wanted to buy something, a good salesman could – and would – take the time to explain why
this one was better than THAT one. The newer, younger, people didn’t actually know their products and hid their ignorance by being condescending. Zip – there goes your customer base. And management also decided to stop selling appliances, when they were second only to Sears in appliance sales. Lord deliver us all from a bunch of MBAs with a diploma and no common sense.
My brother got stiffed for over 3 grand in commissions. This was after some Saudies or something similar got control of the company.
I can’t understand why people want to shop on line now days.
Let’s not forget Alexanders! Great store, sadly missed. Woolworths has something for everyone, even hamsters, canaries and Flame Glow Lipstick!
I was born in 1961 so some of these stores I have a real connection to, but most of them no. The one I am closest to is probably A&P. I live in Bayside Queens and we used to have 4 – yes 4 – A&Ps in our area. The one that was closest to our house was just about 7 blocks away. My mother used to call it the dirty little A&P. They were so funny though. Most supermarkets if you notice put their milk at the BACK of the store so you are forced to walk through the entire store to get it, thereby tempting you to buy other items. This one though had the milk at the very front of the store at the front window! There used to be another one about 1/2 mile away from us, then another on Bell Blvd. diagonally across from our church. Then the fourth one was in Fresh Meadows, a nearby town about 15 minutes away from us.
REMEMBER WOOLWORTHS? Ohh me gosh They had EVERYTHING! AND a Lunch Counter! This was all over , in Canada & America as well. I ALWAYS say , our way of living went DOWN, when WOOLWORTHS did! Cheers ( sigh )
I am 76 years old and my first job was at Woolworths when I was 16 years old. I thought I was so sophisticated working and making money.