Young or old, we all love candies. There’s just something about easing those sweet tooth cravings and they taste great. However, as much as we all love chocolate, our children love sweets even more than we do. Sometimes it seems like that’s the only thing they want to eat! It’s good to let them eat some treats from time to time, as a snack or dessert, but which ones are good and which ones are not for their teeth?
As a parent, it’s hard to tell and we strive to have a balance between healthy and unhealthy snacks, but with so many advice-givers in our close circles and countless books on parenting tips, sometimes you just stop knowing what to do. Because of that, we compiled the best advice dentists could give regarding candies in one easy-to-follow list!
Let us know if you knew these candies were good, or bad, for your child’s teeth!