To Buy
It isn’t applicable only to Advil, but it is the most common over the counter medication. And, let’s be honest, it can end up being quite pricey in pharmacies, unless you are lucky enough to find one that is well priced. Yet, if you are in a rush, or even if you are out of Advil, you should pay the Dollar Store a visit. They have a great deal on this medication (and others): three two-packs for just a dollar!
You will not find such a deal anywhere else. You do not need to buy the same thing for a way bigger price when the Dollar Store has your back.
Cleaning Products
You should pay more attention to what actually is on the isles of the Dollar Store, because you may be missing some gems by just accidentally walking by them. Not only will you be able to find some of your favorite name brands for cleaning supplies, like Clorox or Windex, but they will also be less expensive than your normal grocery store. We do not know what sorcery the Dollar Store is doing, but you can find the same quality products for a lot less than usual. Truly no reason to overpay if you can find them at the Dollar Store.
Candy & Chocolate
We are sure you know that when Halloween is looming around you can find your staple candy to hand out at the Dollar Store, even conveniently gathered in bundles. But it doesn’t have to be around Halloween to have an excuse to get your sugar fix. You don’t need any excuse at all! The Dollar Store holds a ton of candies, even name brand chocolate and candy, but for a fraction of the big retailer’s prices. It is truly a no brainer that you should go buy your sweets from there, as it’s the exact same items you would get at Target or Walgreens.
Seasonal Decor
We all like to decorate for the season and it seems like every year there is something else coming up that is cuter and cuter. Of course, we all reuse what we can from last year but there’s an itch to scratch when it comes to getting new decorations. What better place to get them than the Dollar Store! You can get any type of decoration you may want, and it will not make you leave half your salary there. They have a great selection for all the holidays, and you will not spend more than you need, their prices are amazing.