Alien (1979)
Although Ridley Scott’s movie wasn’t the first space based horror, it not only raised the bar but arguably changed the face of science fiction horror and of cinema itself with it’s grounded characters, stunning and terrifying visual effects and claustrophobic atmosphere. Upon its release it was met with universal critical acclaim and box-office success with trade paper Daily Variety suggesting may have been the biggest per-screen opening in history.
The iconic chestburster scene was not filmed in a single take as many people believe, it was done in two takes. In the first take the chestburster didn’t make it through John Hurt’s shirt. However, Scott would use a bit of that take in the movie as well to show the creature struggling to push its way out. Famously, the casts genuinely horrified reactions, especially Veronica Cartwright, has been widely publicized.
What is not so well known is the reaction of actor Yaphet Kotto. He was reportedly so in shock after the filming of the scene that he went home and locked himself in a room for several hours and refused to talk to his wife.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Wes Craven’s supernatural serial killer with knives for fingers, Freddie Kruger would not just kick off a nine movie franchise but become a cultural phenomenon. Not only would it give Robert Englund his most iconic role but would also see the big screen debut of the then 21 year old Johnny Depp. It was one of the first films produced by New Line Cinema which would garner them the nickname “The House that Freddy Built”.
To say the film was a bloody one would be a massive understatement, as not only did Englund cut himself the first time he donned the iconic glove, but over five hundred gallons of fake blood were used during filming. The name Freddy Kruger was taken from a schoolmate of Craven’s who he shared a paper route with and who bullied him mercilessly for years.
The dirty hat and clothes Freddy wears was inspired by an incident Craven experienced when he was 10 years old. He turned to look out of his window to see a hobo standing there staring at him.