Snowglobe cocktail
You may think that someone invented a new type of cocktail that was all the rage, so maybe all the young adults would want to test it. The reality is less interesting and much sadder. Someone on Twitter decided that they would break an actual snow globe, pour all the contents into a glass, just to drink it out of boredom. What’s even more surprising is that they did it out of a sort of “social experiment” and announced it on the internet, instead of just doing it by themselves in the comfort of their own home.
We are all thinking that it was not a good idea, and the person did update everyone that they ended up in the hospital because they decided to drink stale water full of chemicals (who would have thought?). What baffles us is that they thought this would give them some sort of internet fame as opposed to having all the internet tell them how dumb it truly was.
Swimming hazards
There are lots of times when people decide to swim in questionable circumstances. Like when there’s a storm outside and people go surfing or swimming because they want to enjoy the big waves, without thinking about the fact that they can be dragged down under by the force of them. However, this attempt at getting famous involved a frozen lake and an outdoor adventure account.
This guy was making short videos for his TikTok account about outdoor content and decided it would be a great idea to dig a hole in the ice of a lake, only to strip down and swim underneath the ice. It did not last more than a couple of seconds, but it is clear he did not think about how thick the ice is and how cold the water was. The man’s eyelids were almost frozen shut, and he lost his way around under ice, almost getting lost under the ice.
While he did almost die under the ice from hypothermia, he got out and still posted the video on the internet. He warned others not to do what he did, but we cannot deny that this was a very unadvisable choice he made in the first place. The most surreal thing yet? The person filming him didn’t think there was anything wrong!