This Part Is Guaranteed for Life
A lifetime brake warranty or muffler warranty may cover brakes and mufflers — but only specific parts, and some shops will use this as an excuse to charge for others (the pipes that connect to the muffler, for example), while all will still charge for labor. A lifetime of “free” parts will never be free, notes mechanic Doug Flint in Alexandria, Virginia.
1 thought on “20 Ways Your Mechanic Is Lying To You”
If you have a flat and the the other tires are good can the dealer refuse to just sell you one tire or will you have to change all four tires. I went to NH for a wedding and got a flat
the mileage on my car was 20,150 miles for the old tires . I tried to buy one tire in NH state. the tire refuse to sell me one tire and I had to purchase four new tires for my 2017 Lexus The owner of the store say that state law, is that true in NH