Our country is so beautiful there is no wonder that we had 79.62 million international visitors in 2018 alone. However, visitors from all over the world seem to value more of the beauty of America than we tend to do. We’ve gathered the most breathtaking places in the U.S. to spark your curiosity about traveling in our amazing country.
From a 13-mile glacier to the northern lights’ astounding beauty, let’s have a look at these natural wonders that will most definitely put you in a travel mood. Click on the “NEXT” button to rediscover the beauty of Mother Nature within our country.
At our first ‘breathtaking’ location, you’ll have the chance to see your own breath too…..
35 thoughts on “10 Breathtaking Places in America You Have to See”
I certainly agree with your choices, as the wife and I have experienced 8 of them. But as you know there are many more in the U.S. Grand Canyon and Yosemite to name a couple.
Spectacular. Don’t show these to the current US president. He’ll ruin them.
Exactly how would President Trump ruin any of these?
Please be exact!
He would likely want to build high-rise hotels and casinos. This is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
It isn’t Trump that wants to build hotels in Grand Canyon . Contractors are trying to tempt the natives to sell part of their land so they can build money making buildings: hotel, casino, etc.
Trump builds cities unlike his critics that burn them down . . . . . .
Just because. Just because someone brought it up. Just because he is bored. Just because someone finds beauty he becomes jealous and then destroys it. He’s mentally ill.
Ask yourself what has been done by the former bump in the road . Nothing but line his own pockets with millions of dollars for golf carts . Flights to his den of crime in Fl . Signed leases on DLNR lands for mining , drilling and out and out rape of the land to benifit his donners . Reflect on how nice the world sees us now with him gone from ruining this country. Now we need to lock him up and all his crew of crooks . So glad he is gone now to never return . The Republicians can now look for a better leader who wants this nation to win again and be respected.
I see a few people here that are still suffering from TDS. President Trump loves his country more than anything so quit saying stupid stuff like that. It makes you look so much Ken or Karen.
Most ridiculous comment yet. He has done so much to protect our national parks and monuments. Turn off CNN
President Trump and the officials he has appointed have systematically undermined, degraded and outright attacked the laws that protect our public lands, the agencies that manage them and the irreplaceable resources these places safeguard for the American people.
Turn off the fake news.The Donald Trump administration along with Ducks Unlimited and the California Waterfowl Association plus The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Pacific Ocean Fisheries Association and maybe some that I’m not evolved with have contributed more than any other Administration in the forty plus years I have been a member of these organizations. I also have contributed at least an average of $ 1,000.00 per year for the past 47 years.
How much have you contributed BIG MOUTH ?? Donald Trump is very large, biggly as he would say, on Conservation. Long before he was President ( 20 years prior ) he was the top named donor to Ducks Unlimited. He donated more money than the entire country of Canada for the Waterfowl nesting areas in Canada.
Turn off the fake news and Getaclue.
You can’t be serious. He has turned national parks into drilling sites. Please give me the top five things he has done to preserve and protect our national parks and monuments
Why do some bitter people like you have to ruin everything??? Just shut up.
There was absolutely nothing pictured that was political.
That is a dumb comment with no factual backing! Can you tell me one nonDemocrat that was apart of the riots, looting and tearing down of our monuments and statues!?
Typical comment from a Democratic
What is the current president joe Biden doing ? Trump was the best president this country has ever had . Biden will be the worst . Biden is senile and can’t read his teleprompter without hell . He and his fellow Democrats are destroying everything this country stands for ! Their insane policies and money printing on an astronomical scale will make us a Third world country in the near future . He is an embarrassment and forgets where he is constantly, even when he makes a full sentence , he isn’t really making any sense . The world is making fun of us !!
I LOVE Tulips! They are my favorite flower! Especially the purple & pink ones! I LOVE going to Holland, Michigan during Tulip Time! The Tulip fields are breathtaking! I live in Indiana so I can drive to Michigan.
Beautiful and informative and I thank you!!
Wonderful! Never been to these magnificent places…
Thank you for sharing with us.
And for wheelchairs? Can not hike.
Tammy, you haven’t been around much have you.
This is a beautiful country, no matter where you are. It’s all the eyes of the beholder. That’s what is wrong with this country, some people can take the best of everything and make it ugly or bad. Good thing they didn’t live under Hitler’s rule or they don’t live in South Korea or China, where you die a horrible death or just taking down a sign. It’s time all American’s get on their knees and thank God for EVERYTHING, before it’s gone.
i have been riding motorcycles for 45 years and have traveled to many parts of our great country on 2 wheels. Why so many Americans want to travel to other country’s before seeing their own country, I don’t get it. Every state has something to see. Seeing these beautiful sights on 2 wheels only add’s to the adventure as we try to take local, scenic roads to get to our final destination. It is so easy to see this country , a little bit every year. No passports, exchanging , money, language issues, security issues! Europe is beautiful, no doubt, but so America!! Enjoy!
Immediately after he took office, on January 20, 2017, President Donald Trump and his officials began opening up public lands to the energy industry. Ever since, it’s been hard to keep track of all the regulation rollbacks and revoked protections.
First, there was the announcement on January 30, 2017, to reorganize government agencies, including the National Park Service and the Department of the Interior. Two weeks later, Trump repealed a rule that stopped mining companies from dumping waste into rivers. Then Ryan Zinke was confirmed as secretary of the interior, and from there the deregulation pace quickened. Zinke oversaw reviewing national monuments, streamlining oil and gas industry permits, opening Arctic waters to drilling, and, finally, shrinking two monuments in Utah.
Pres Trump would never destroy our Country….!!! He likes Beautiful things…He wants to FIX things in our Country….He is a Builder not a Destroyer…!!! Get rid of the HATE in your Heart and LIFE will b better to you…GOD BLESS PRE TRUMP…….
None of these magnificent, awe-inspiring places would be here for our enjoyment if it wasn’t for the Creator and Designer of all things! Thank you to the one true and living God!!
Three reservoir lakes in Missouri and Arkansas are really awesome. They were created by building dams on the White River flooding thousands of acres of woodlands. The lakes are well over 150 miles of shoreline each and are favorite fishing spots for Bass fishermen. The lakes average over 100 ft. in Depth and have crystal clear water eveeee though the have a lot of power boats that use them for water skiing, wakeboarding, wake surfing, fishing and cruising on large cruisers. The four main lakes are Beaver Lake, Table Rock Lake, Bullshoals Lake and Lake Norfolk. For those who would rather be off the water Branson Missouri is within 2 hours of Beaver Lake and there are other attractions like Shepherd of the Hills and Silver Dollar City just to name a few. In the Midwest it is a favorite family vacation area that has plenty of cottages that rent by the week with the ones on Table Rock Lake with cottages a short walk to the water and floating docks on styrofoam connected to the land with a floating dock access ramp.
No worries now! With the price of gas and everything else going up with the Faux President in office, no one will be able to go to them. 🙂
Leave it to angry Americans to make a story like this political…It’s a shame we can’t just enjoy the beauty of “our” country.
Danli park is worth the trip and cost ,IT is a must see!!!
It’s unfortunate that too many people will turn any topic into politics. The website is about beautiful places to visit. Why can’t people learn to stay on topic? Speaking about beautiful places, Snow Canyon is beautiful.
I wanted to read about America’s beautiful places,not a darn political debate.Give it a rest.