There are lots of stores that are always on people’s minds, even some that are not even Americans! And while we all have our favorite chains, despite hearing the benefits of others we may not like from family and friends, we are sure that there are some which you just cannot stand. And there are a lot of chain stores that are plainly hated by people, even the ones that say they are indifferent.
And let’s be honest, there are always things that could go better when you go shopping. Even the people that shop religiously at one store will have a complaint here or there. Be it the Target enthusiast, the ethical Kroger loyalist, that one friend of yours that swears by Costco, there are multiple things that go into making a store better than others, and there are a lot of things that make them stand out.
From decent prices to clean stores, from quality products to short lines, you would be surprised about the reasons for which people choose to change their go-to store. Yet, there are some that simply fall short into each category, which makes a lot of Americans hate them.
Here we have gathered some of the most hated American grocery stores. Be it that they made the list because their prices were too high or because sometimes it takes a lifetime to check out, we are sure that there is something about them that would push your buttons too.
Let us know if you have shopped at any of these before or if you think that there are other stores worthy of this title!
1 thought on “7 Most Hated American Grocery Stores”
Walmart is not elderly people friendly. They continue moving products around to the point it takes twice the time to find thing you’ve been buying for years. Old people can’t walk around the store twice to find what the want. They are forcing people to by Great value products by eliminating name brand items. Very long check out lines with few registers open and trying to force you to self check out, again not elderly friendly. A quote from Sam Walton ” we have only one boss in this business and they can cause all of us to loss our jobs, simples by shopping else where. Down in Marksville, Louisiana.