Found in Delaware Valley and the NYC Metropolitan Areas, Acme might not be everyone’s dream supermarket, as the most encountered complaint is that their prices are too high and, like our friend Top’s Friendly Market, their organic section is lacking.
They are apparently so notorious for their bad pricing that they got this reputation, ending up on most top 5 hated stores! Not only that, but they did try to expand to New Jersey, only to quickly close their gates. This should have told them something: expanding is not your best idea if you are already not liked by the locals!
Pick ‘n Save
Being right in the middle of the biggest state list, Wisconsin is a fairly consistent state. Yet, the state’s 5 million population has some really strong opinions. Especially since they landed this grocery store on a hate list.
What’s the reason? Again, it is the organic option. Sure, the people are pleased with the overall pricing and quality of the products they carry, but yet again they’ve proved that variety and organic options are what can break the deal for most. You may save a few bucks on other items, but if you have to go to another store to find organic products you may as well shop somewhere else altogether.
This New England store has a rich and long history associated with it. Dating back to the 1860s, Shaw’s withstood the taste of time as it is still running! This might mean that people like it, right? The truth is actually different. While most people think of it as a decent store, it still did not rank well in certain categories.
People are still quite picky and when you don’t have competitive prices, good quality produces and you also mark up the price of organic options, you will attract some heavy criticism. We do believe that they have been running for so long due to convenience rather than loyal customers.
1 thought on “7 Most Hated American Grocery Stores”
Walmart is not elderly people friendly. They continue moving products around to the point it takes twice the time to find thing you’ve been buying for years. Old people can’t walk around the store twice to find what the want. They are forcing people to by Great value products by eliminating name brand items. Very long check out lines with few registers open and trying to force you to self check out, again not elderly friendly. A quote from Sam Walton ” we have only one boss in this business and they can cause all of us to loss our jobs, simples by shopping else where. Down in Marksville, Louisiana.