Found across the Western and Central U.S., Safeway is one of the stores here that you have definitely heard of. Yet, maybe being popular is not always the golden ticket one may think it is. Running in over 2,200 stores in 33 states, even being found in the District of Columbia, and securing jobs for hundreds of thousands of employees, you would not think people think badly of this store.
Yet, the dreaded organic selection has made another victim. Most customers think this store is great, except for the organic section which is lacking. Probably not the most hated store on this list, given its sheer size and business, but some people are bound to dislike it since it is mentioned quite frequently in hated grocery stores ranks.
Walmart Supercenter
Being a nationwide grocery store, with billions of dollars made every year and millions of employees by them in the U.S. alone, Walmart has been the number one retailer for years on end. Despite all of this, and despite its power and sheer size, Walmart is definitely not everyone’s favorite grocery store.
Maybe it’s the size that has been its downfall in the end, even if they are making efforts to improve when it comes to keeping the customers happy. When they improve in one section, others are bound to fall or just stand out more. People have been complaining for years about the produce and meat quality, the cleanliness of the store (which is lacking), how the staff behaves and even the checkout speed. There are lots of drawbacks when it comes to Walmart, despite their very good prices, which make them both one of the best known and also one of the most hated stores in America.
1 thought on “7 Most Hated American Grocery Stores”
Walmart is not elderly people friendly. They continue moving products around to the point it takes twice the time to find thing you’ve been buying for years. Old people can’t walk around the store twice to find what the want. They are forcing people to by Great value products by eliminating name brand items. Very long check out lines with few registers open and trying to force you to self check out, again not elderly friendly. A quote from Sam Walton ” we have only one boss in this business and they can cause all of us to loss our jobs, simples by shopping else where. Down in Marksville, Louisiana.