25 Most Pointless and Stupid Signs That’ll Make Your Brain Hurt

This sign is just above the one that reads ‘No drowning if you can’t drown’…..


Just in case you weren’t sure the first time…..


And the award for the ‘most obvious sign’ of the year goes to…..


Thank God there’s a sign out there that explains the concept of a locked door…..


Don’t you just hate those cold, non-burning-you-to-death fires. They really get me…..fired up…..


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4 thoughts on “25 Most Pointless and Stupid Signs That’ll Make Your Brain Hurt”

  1. Unfortunately, the litigious nature of our society has made signs like this necessary. Too bad, but they would rather be safe than sorry. Much like when The old woman sued McDonalds when they didn’t warn her that the hot coffee she ordered was hot. And she settled. Go figure

  2. I saw the warning on an iron that said, “Caution, Hot”. Another one was for the plastic bag they put over dry cleaning. It said, “Not a breathing apparatus”.
    Once I saw instructions on how to eat Raman (sp?) noodles. It started with, “Grab a fork…”. We live in a world of idiots that are so bad we need signs to tell them this is a sign.

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