Arnold Schwarzenegger
Who could forget that Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Republican Governor of California between 2003 and 2011? That being said, he hasn’t been a supporter of Donald Trump, publicly feuding with him until, in 2018, he expressed his disappointment in the whole Republican Party.
Schwarzenegger famously described the party as the Titanic, claiming that going under is just around the corner. But he also said that they didn’t have to go that far and that there was still a chance to turn things around. He even reminded everyone of Ronald Reagan’s big tent idea, wishing the party could all be more open.
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood, one of the most well known Republicans in Hollywood, has had enough of political correctness, according to an interview with Esquire. Though he hasn’t endorsed Donald Trump, he did publicly support him, thinking that his no-nonsense views on political correctness would do the nation a whole lot of good.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, co-host of the view from 2003 to 2013, was known as the conservative voice on the show. In the wake of huge casualties due to the Iraq War, she and Rosie O’Donnell got into a now famous heated argument.
She left the show surrounded by controversy- you can read all about it in her 2019 book Point of View: A Fresh Look at Work, Faith, and
Freedom. But all the controversy didn’t stop Meghan McCain, another conservative from the show, from calling her “ an icon for young Republican women.”
Gene Simmons
KISS lead singer Gene Simmons is a proud republican and proud Trump supporter. He hasn’t outright said that he will be voting for Trump, but little else can be understood by his comments.
His belief is that Trump changed politics forever and that the world had “never been better”, according to a comment made in 2019. He even predicted a landslide victory for Trump all the way back in 2018.
In 2012, he even endorsed Mitt Romney in his Republican bid.