7 Predictions of the End of the World That Unsurprisingly Failed

Image By IgorZh From Shutterstock

True Way

Chen Tao, or True Way was a group, well cult, you’ll see why in a moment, that originated in Taiwan in the early 90’s. It’s leader Hon-Ming Chen, a former social sciences professor and self professed atheist, was originally part of a religious group founded by Teacher Yu-Hsia Chen but he would soon break from the group to start his own.

The group he founded couldn’t seem to settle on just one influence, so he incorporated many, including Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Taiwanese folk religion and most bizarrely UFO conspiracy theories. It would get even more bizarre, if that were even possible, when Hon-Ming Chen moved his group, some 160 members, 40 of which were children, to Garland, Texas after he had received instructions from God.

Shortly after they settled in US, Chen would reveal his prophecy when he preached that God himself would appear on U.S. television channel 18 at 12:01 a.m. on March 25, 1998, to tell the world that he would be descending to Earth at 10 a.m. on March 31, 1998 coincidentally in the exact physical form of Hon-Ming Chen himself.

The following year, due to ‘devil spirits’ and massive flooding, a mass extinction of the human population would take place. Only his followers would survive if they bought their way aboard spaceships, disguised as clouds, sent to rescue them.

After God failed to appear on television and in the body of Chen, the group essentially collapsed. The few members that remained would update the cause of the end of the world by stating that a war between China and Taiwan would lead to a nuclear holocaust in 1999. After that second prediction also failed, nothing has been heard from the group since 2001, and the whereabouts Hon-Ming Chen remain unknown to this day.


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