3. Operation Paperclip
In the land of freedom and one of the most important players in World War II, you would think that we would not like former certified Nazi doctors in our country. Well, this is false. And the project that allowed these Nazi scientists in the country has been exposed in 1946 by media outlets.
In 1945 over a thousand German scientists were brought to the U.S. to work after Germany capitulated. The project was called Operation Paperclip and they all worked on a number of secret projects and illegal experiments. The most known of them, Wernher von Braun, was involved in the moon landing and was the mastermind behind the Jupiter-C rocket that launched America’s first satellite into space.
2. Operation Northwoods
If the list so far did not raise your suspicions about the intelligence agencies and the government, then this operation will definitely show you that maybe some of the people in charge do not have the best intentions. Operation Northwoods was a false flag operation against American citizens, which had the end goal of justifying a war against Cuba.
The operations aimed to run a number of staged attacks and acts of terrorism against our own military and civilians, against Cuban immigrants and refugees, hijack planes and blow up U.S. ships, and orchestrate terrorism in U.S. cities. The ones behind this were the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the CIA, and thankfully Operation Northwoods has never passed the stage of the proposal. President Kennedy rejected it.
1. MKUltra
Probably one of the wildest conspiracy theories in the 1950s and 1960s was the fact that the CIA secretly drugged people to test mind control. Everything was proven true when Project MKUltra came into the limelight in1977 and the investigation showed what remained of the records.
The CIA used to give thousand of people LSD without their consent to test if they could potentially mind control them. The results of this illegal and immortal research will never be known as in 1973 the CIA director ordered the record to be destroyed. Little to no evidence remains, but there were surely a number of deaths. One of the most known ones is the death of biochemist Frank Olson, who threw himself out the window after being unknowingly drugged.
With all these stories proven true, you can’t help but wonder which ones we believe today to be just stories that are actually real.