2. Missy Elliott’s Desperate Avoidance of Black Cats

The world is full of superstitions, some of which make no sense, others which may have come about for perfectly good reasons.
For example, it’s considered bad luck to walk under a ladder because tools or buckets might fall on your head. People say we should avoid crossing people on the stairs because doing so could result in either one of you getting bumped over the banister!
We’re not exactly sure why we started thinking that when a black cat crosses your path something bad will happen. In all honesty, something terrible probably happened to one person years ago and the tidbit just stuck.
Missy Elliott will go out of her way, literally, if she just happens to see a black cat. On her way to the airport in a limo? She’ll ask the driver to turn back and follow another route. Even if it means reorganizing her entire day, she’ll do it just to avoid whatever bad thing she thinks will happen.
Well, she’s not hurting anyone… at least we don’t think she is? It’s strange but it’s definitely not one of the more disturbing beliefs on our list!