4. Former Sugababe Mutya Buena’s Shocking Conspiracy Theory Mishmash

The Sugarbabes have put out some songs that we could dance to even today! After all, they were one of the most successful British pop acts of the 21st century and while we’d like to remember the three members fondly, we just can’t.
Just when you think conspiracy theories can’t get any worse, Mutya Buena comes along and gives us a taste of what the human mind can really come up with.
Oddly enough this conspiracy theory doesn’t start with the former pop star herself but Robbie Williams from Take That. He claimed that the notorious American Pizzagate conspiracy was real, apparently fueling the fire for a much, much worse claim.
According to Bueno, the Coronavirus pandemic is nothing but a lie fabricated by an ominous they in order to distract us all from Hillary Clinton’s trial. What trial is that you might ask? Oh, just the one where she’s accused of cutting off a young child’s face at a Washington, DC, pizza parlor. She also added that Oprah, Bill Clinton, and former president Barak Obama were also involved.
It’s not often that two conspiracy theories get rolled into one, but when they do, they create something… almost poetic, don’t you think?