3. Randy Quaid Is Convinced That a Hollywood Assassin Is After Him

Randy Quaid, best known for his role as Cousin Eddie in the National Lampoon’s Vacation movies, genuinely believes there are people in Hollywood that are trying to kill him. We’ll say that again… slower.
Randy Quaid, who started his career in 1971 after winning the casting for The Last Picture Show, believes a shadowy cabal called the Hollywood Star Whackers are trying to kill him. In fact, he and his wife Evi Quaid sought asylum in Canada in order to get away from the people that allegedly “killed” David Carradine and Heath Ledger, and are currently targetting Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears.
The couple doesn’t use cell phones out of fear of being tracked. One time they claimed to have tried to drive to Siberia but they ultimately “couldn’t figure out how to get there.”
Seriously, their claims are so out there that even Andrea Canning has to ask them if they were on drugs on Good Morning America.