5. Alicia Silverstone Thinks We Have a Lot to Learn From Our Feathered Friends

How many parents or grandparents can relate to this? Have you ever thought of regurgitating food in your baby’s mouth like birds do? No? Yeah, we can’t relate either. But Alicia Silverstone sure is a fan of the practice, so much so that she didn’t shy away from sharing the experience all over social media for fans to see.
Is there a benefit to this at all? Can parents really help their babies by pre-chewing their solid food?
Even weirder is the fact that Mayim Bialik, Hollywood’s resident super-genius, admitted that she used to do the exact same thing. She, of course, did not post pictures or videos of the event, and she only claimed to have done it a couple of times and never in excess.
Some people say that the two superstars can do whatever they want while others were enraged by this attitude, going as far as to say their children should have been immediately removed from their care. What’s your stance on this?