The 10 World’s Haunted Hotels That Will Keep You Up All Night

Q Station Retreat, Sydney, Australia

On Sydney harbor’s North Head this former quarantine station might have a tranquil location and beautiful views but it also has horrific tales to tell. Built in 1832 to quarantine early immigrants afflicted by disease, the station was a place of horror for many and is said to be one of Australia’s most haunted places.

Close to 600 inhabitants died here from scarlet fever, smallpox, typhoid, cholera or Spanish influenza.

There’s a whole host of ghost tours on offer for people hoping to witness paranormal activities around the eerie buildings of the vast site. You’ll hear tales of suffering and loss as you go through the former hospital, shower block, morgue and gravedigger’s cottage buildings.

You can stay in the former doctor and nurse quarters on one of the monthly “Ghostly Sleepover” nights or check-in to accommodation on “healthy ground”.

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