Electric Wine Opener
If you lack the strength and dexterity to open a wine bottle on your own then this purchase is justifiable. But if you can do it yourself, it’s just a money-grabbing item that we think you’ll forget about in a few weeks or even days.
They take up unnecessary space, they require an outlet, they’re single-use and they’re expensive. $20 to $50 for these? Thanks but no, thanks!
Get one of those corkscrews that also comes with a bottle opener- the two in one feature is far more efficient and it saves money, not to mention space!
Fancy Gift Wrap Organizers
The only people that could justify buying fancy gift wrap organizers, which by the way cost between $75 and $200, are professional gift wrappers.
If you do need to better organize these items you can use common household items. Repurpose an old suitcase, shopping bag holders, or tension rods instead and DIY yourself out of this money-grabbing ‘deal’!
Disposable Toilet Brushes
There are few things that we loathe more than disposable toilet brushes… where to even begin?
First of all, they’re incredibly wasteful- not just the brushes and scrubbers, but also because of their packaging. Secondly, they cost $8 for 20 brushes. Why pay that when you can get a good, old fashioned toilet brush?
Thirdly, they also break easily and could end up clogging your toilet if you’re not careful!
Have you bought a ‘cool’ looking gadget and later regretted it? Let us know by commenting below and save our other readers the money and hassle!
3 thoughts on “19 Items in Your Home That Are a Huge Waste of Money”
actually I love my egg cooker. the eggs are easy to peel and that isn’t the case with eggs boiled on a pot. It is easy to do and shuts off automatically. I am only cooking for one and 6 eggs are the perfect amount for me.
Dumbest article I ever read.
Some of us have hand problems or disability s and need electric can openers
Or we have allot of jewelry thats too fine to store in egg crates.
Get a life
I thoroughly agree with most of what you said. Except for the Salad Spinner. I received one as a wedding present way back in 1977 and have used it every single time I make a salad or use some lettuce for any dish. I hate a salad that has water running around the bottom of the bowl. And unless you enjoy shaking lettuce at the kitchen sink for several minutes or wasting paper towels trying to dry it, and still not get the lettuce drip free, the spinner is perfect! And as far as taking up space, it’s only the size of a medium to large cooking pot. And IMO a must have in every kitchen. If mine ever breaks, I’ll be purchasing another one immediately! P.S. I have one with a crank. I can’t speak of the ones with a string to pull, but they may not be as of good quality.