Paris Hilton
Despite being the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotels, we are not talking about the purchase of a luxury hotel here, or even a whole town like Kim Basinger. No this time the purchase in question is a 300-square-foot, Italian-inspired villa worth $325,000. So what, right? What if I told you the villa was actually for her dogs…..
Hilton purchased this, two-story doggie mansion in 2009, complete with balcony, clay roof tiles and apparently a black crystal chandelier. Not lavish enough for you? Well, apart from the interior sporting an elegant chandelier, it also comes replete with designer furniture.
1 thought on “10 Extravagant or Downright Bizarre Purchases by Celebrities”
Nobody would have guessed it but despite of his outrageous personality and Republican popularity President Trump became a lame duck President after only 1 term in office. The Democrats loved it when President Elect Joe Biden JR won the Electoral and Popular vote in November of 2020. Trump called it a fake and stolen election and never gave a consultation speech.