19 Items in Your Home That Are a Huge Waste of Money

Photo by New Africa – Shutterstock.com

Air Fresheners

We’ve all been fooled into buying air fresheners for too long and enough is enough!

Not only are they bad for the environment, but you can achieve the same results without the extra costs.

Here’s how! Simmer some lemon juice in the water on the stove and use eucalyptus, rose water, and potpourri instead. Alternatively, you can just place open containers of baking soda around the house to get rid of lingering bad smells.

Electric Can Opener

If you don’t suffer from joint-crippling illnesses, there’s no reason for you to clutter up your kitchen with an electric can opener. Most cans come with a handy little tag you can pull but, if they don’t, you can purchase a much more affordable and handy handheld opener. Just a few cranks and, voila, your can is now open!

Bread Maker

I am personally guilty of this… sort of. We received a bread-maker as a gift and though I initially gushed over it, I never got around to using it. It just sits there, gathering dust, probably judging me from afar from never having even looked at the instructions.

Here’s the thing. I have something else that’s ten times better, is overall more affordable, easier to use, and doesn’t involve any other bulky equipment: my oven. And by ‘more affordable’ I mean that I already had one, I didn’t need to buy any extras in order to make plain old bread!

Even better, you can just use simple terracotta pots for your bread, you don’t need any special dishes that, I guarantee, will be marked up in any kitchen gadget store.

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3 thoughts on “19 Items in Your Home That Are a Huge Waste of Money”

  1. actually I love my egg cooker. the eggs are easy to peel and that isn’t the case with eggs boiled on a pot. It is easy to do and shuts off automatically. I am only cooking for one and 6 eggs are the perfect amount for me.

  2. Dumbest article I ever read.
    Some of us have hand problems or disability s and need electric can openers
    Or we have allot of jewelry thats too fine to store in egg crates.

    Get a life

  3. I thoroughly agree with most of what you said. Except for the Salad Spinner. I received one as a wedding present way back in 1977 and have used it every single time I make a salad or use some lettuce for any dish. I hate a salad that has water running around the bottom of the bowl. And unless you enjoy shaking lettuce at the kitchen sink for several minutes or wasting paper towels trying to dry it, and still not get the lettuce drip free, the spinner is perfect! And as far as taking up space, it’s only the size of a medium to large cooking pot. And IMO a must have in every kitchen. If mine ever breaks, I’ll be purchasing another one immediately! P.S. I have one with a crank. I can’t speak of the ones with a string to pull, but they may not be as of good quality.

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